Thank you to our CLA/CLF for another great auction! Our 25th Anniversary CLF Live Auction was every bit of a success.
Thank you to all who helped with the 2021 Live Auction; the Live Auction Staff, CLA Office Staff, bidders/buyers, and most importantly the CLA members who put their time, effort and hard work into the items for the auction!!
We are already gearing up for next year!!
Thanks to these artists for their generous donations.
Remember them when you need something you can’t live without.
• Frank House • Lally House • Mel Hankla • Heinz Ahlers • Todd Butler • Scott Summerville • Verlin Cossel • Donald Shaver • Larry Reed • Gordon Barlow • Billy Griner • Jeff Luke • Matt Fennewald • Jeff Bottiger • Lawrence Fiorillo • Todd Hambrick • Shelly Gier • William Schneider • Casey McClure • Djuana Tucker • Jack Weeks • Rick Lorenzen • Ben Hoffman • Tom Greco • Adam Daub • Daniel Boehringer • Henry Bowman • Gary Tingler • Travis Bauer • Bill Wright • Jim Turpin • Wayne Fluke • William Fluke • Paul Fennewald • Paul Bigham • Ron Hess • Angela McMullen •
Frontiersman’s Kit by William Schneider
William Schneider’s “Frontiersman’s Kit”, which is copied from an artifact formerly in the collection of the Fort Pitt Museum, is a distinctive representative of frontier history. Schneider explains that “it was removed from exhibition when the fort management changed directions. Later it was found to have actually been a homespun shoulder holster for a Colt [...]
Tansel-Style Engraved Beaker by Henry Bowman
For this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction, artist Henry Bowman has donated an excellent example of classic Americana inspired by the legendary craftsmen of the Tansel family. Bowman notes that Timothy Tansel is best known for his beakers of this size, while the engraving is patterned after the powder horn engraving of John Tansel. Featured on [...]
Missouri Commemorative Horn and Hearts Bag by Jeff Bottiger and Matthew Fennewald
Horn by Jeff Bottiger of Excelsior Springs, MO and Bag w/Measure, Brush, and Pick, by Matthew Fennewald of Clarksburg, MO. The Hearts Bag by Matthew Fennewald, is a simple but functional bag that started out as bark-tanned deerhide. The bag is hand-stitched with linen thread, decorated with hearts stamped with a stamp handmade by Jeff Bottiger. The [...]
Hand forged Small Axe by Mel Hankla
This finely crafted hand forged wrought iron tomahawk is from the workshop of Mel Hankla. This is a nice sized little axe; the head is 4 3/4 inches by 2 1/2 inches with a neat hammer poll. The attention to authenticity is remarkable. The body of the axe is wrought iron. The cutting edge is [...]
Original Watercolor by Angela Jones McMullen
Classic American folk art never fails to brighten up almost any decorating scheme. For this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction, artist Angela Jones McMullen has created a patriotic painting that will make a fine addition to any collection. This Fraktur-inspired piece depicts a Federal eagle flanked by two American flags. The eagle grips a banner bearing [...]
The Battle of Oriskany Set by Jack Weeks, Ben Hoffman, and Rick Lorenzen
Reliable auction supporter Jack Weeks organized a trio of talented artists to create a stunning black powder rig that pays homage to the Patriot heroes who fought at the Battle of Oriskany in 1777. The battle, which took place in New York’s Mohawk Valley, was largely waged by the region’s German settlers and Native inhabitants. [...]
European Style Hunting Bag by Shelly Gier
CLA artist Shelly Gier has once again donated an outstanding piece to the CLF Fundraising Auction. This year Gier contributed a one-of-a-kind European hunting bag, which is a truly unique offering for the auction. This bag is inspired by several original examples, but carries Gier’s individual design sensibilities. This well-proportioned bag will easily accommodate your [...]
Hand Carved Walking Stick by Wayne and William Fluke
The artistic duo of brothers Wayne and William Fluke routinely garner a good bit of appropriate attention at the CLA Annual Show. The Pennsylvania artists regularly exhibit a stunning display of powder horns, carved European powder flasks, carved knives, and decorated boxes that are entirely unique for artisans of the longrifle culture. At this year’s [...]
Frontiersman’s Knife by Heinz Ahlers
This knife is meant to be an example of frontier blacksmithing and the waste not, want not frontier philosophy. The knife’s original career path was as a Nicholson Black Diamond file. This was a 1950’s era Black Diamond made from Bethlehem steel with a carbon content of over 1.25%. Nicholoson stopped using that alloy over 50 years [...]
Bag and Horn Set by Lawrence Fiorillo and Todd Hambrick
A reliable bag and horn are necessities for any black powder shooter, and the artistic team of Lawrence Fiorillo and Todd Hambrick have produced an outstanding rig for this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction. This fine-looking and durable outfit is sure to last. Fiorillo’s hunting pouch is made of vegetable tanned cowhide and measures 7 ½ [...]
The Patriot’s Call – Providing For, and Defending the Homeland Since Colonial Times Colonial Rifle, Patriot Flag, & Stand by Paul Bigham and Paul Fennewald
Long before April 19th, 1775, when patriots at Lexington and Concord sent a loud message to the world that our freedom was everything to us, longrifles had been synonymous with providing food for colonial families, as well as protecting the homeland. This display captures that same spirit that sustained our forefathers, featuring a recreation of a [...]
Eighteenth Century Folding Knife by Scott Summerville
Scott Summerville is an excellent knife smith. His most popular product is his authentic 18th century folding knives. The 18th century traveler carried his own knife. Taverns and public houses did not furnish cutlery. Provisions came in chunks, slabs and sausages; and the baker did not slice your bread. This knife has a bolster copied [...]
Bag, Knife and Horn Set by William Schneider and Casey McClure
For this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction, artists William Schneider and Casey McClure have produced a blackpowder rig loaded with frontier character. Schneider’s bag is made from deep brown pigskin that’s been dyed and oiled with Neatsfoot oil. It was then finished off with a mixture of buffalo tallow and beeswax. The strap is bark-tanned elk [...]
Hunting pouch and knife by Gary Tingler and Travis Bauer
This well-crafted hunting pouch with a bag knife in a detachable sheath are the result of a collaboration between Gary Tingler and Travis Bauer. The medium sized southern style bag is made from brain tanned elk hide, an uncommon material with a nice weight and feel. Gary sewed this up with waxed linen thread and [...]
Quilled Hat Band by Djuana Tucker
During the 18th and 19th centuries, no self-respecting gentleman, or scoundrel for that matter, would consider venturing into public without a hat. For the modern-day frontiersman headed for the range, the rendezvous, or the woods, that hasn’t changed. For those hoping to set their headgear apart from the crowd, CLA artist Djuana Tucker has donated [...]
Southern Banded Horn by Billy Griner
Artist Billy Griner is well known in the longrifle culture as a master of the southern banded horn. For this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction, Griner donated a typically remarkable example of his work. The horn is in the style of original pieces typically produced in colonial Randolph County, North Carolina. This elegant, diminutive horn is [...]
Quilled Leg Ties by Bill Wright
During the French and Indian War, Captain Pierre Pouchot kept a meticulous record of the remarkable tribal cultures that he encountered in the North American wilderness. A keen observer, Pouchot left a priceless record of seemingly insignificant details which others easily overlooked. When explaining the dress of France’s Indian allies, Pouchot described a minor but [...]
Nineteenth Century War Club by Gordon Barlow
Authentic war clubs are perennial favorites for collectors of Early American arms and art, and attendees at this year’s CLF Live Fundraising Auction have some excellent pieces from which to choose. Virginia artist and collector Gordon Barlow’s donation to this year’s auction is a truly fearsome piece that will nicely round out any collection. This [...]
Ball Headed War Club by Lawrence Reed
Traditionally, works of art have often served to make powerful political statements. Moravian missionary John Heckewelder, who spent a lifetime among the Delaware of the Ohio country, described one such grim tradition among the western tribes. In rectifying an insult, revenging war parties would penetrate their enemy’s country, unleash an ambush, and then leave a [...]
Knife, Bag, and Horn Set by Adam Daub, Daniel Boehringer, and Henry Bowman
Knife, Bag, and Horn Set by Adam Daub, Daniel Boehringer, and Henry Bowman Quality hunting rigs are a perennial favorite with collectors and shooters, and this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction features a visually stunning set created by the artistic trio of Adam Daub, Daniel Boehringer, and Henry Bowman. The rig is built around a heart [...]
Bag and Horn Set by Tom Greco
Auction artist Tom Greco can always be counted on to produce topnotch pieces for the CLF Fundraising Auction. His donation to this year’s event is no exception. His set is built around a native-inspired open-top hunting bag. It’s a museum quality reproduction that has the look of a centuries-old original. The bag is made from [...]
Early American Pistol by James Turpin
For the 25th Anniversary of the Contemporary Longrifle Association, CLA craftsmen have produced some of the finest artwork to be offered in the annual fundraising auction. A truly exquisite offering this year is a fine gentleman’s pistol by one of the best makers working today: James Turpin. Working largely with reclaimed materials, Turpin created a [...]
Neck Knife and Quilled Sheath by Frank and Lally House
This neck knife and quilled sheath were created by Frank House and Lally House. Frank forged this knife with a finely balanced 4 1/2-inch-long blade and mounted it to an antler handle with a through tang. The handle is finished with silver mounts. There is an interesting pommel on the butt of the knife with a [...]
Fighting Knife from a Broken Sword by Joe Seabolt
Nothing was wasted on the American frontier. Swords and small swords were common with militia officers and it was not uncommon for a sword to be broken in use. The remains of such a quality piece of steel would be quickly salvaged and reworked. For this recreation Joe Seabolt had to first recreate the quality [...]
Knife, sheath and display by Verlin Cossel
This rifleman’s knife, sheath, small war club, and display stand are a unique set from the clever hands and mind of CLA artist Verlin Cossel. The knife has a 7 ¼-inch hand-forged blade. Verlin studied knife making with the House brothers and had additional input from Sam Stoner, a Mennonite blacksmith. The 1084 carbon steel [...]
Nineteenth Century Hunting Bag by Jeff Luke
CLA artist Jeff Luke is a skilled craftsman and consistent auction supporter. His donation to this year’s fundraising auction is an attractive and sturdy hunting rig for the modern frontiersman. As Luke explains it, this bag and horn set “represents my interpretation of one that might have been crafted and carried by an early 19th [...]
Tomahawk by Don Shaver engraving by Frank House
This fine tomahawk was forged by Don Shaver from an old hammer head. This tough steel makes a good axe. The pipe bowl is worked from an old gun barrel, a traditional touch. The haft is ash wood that Don salvaged from the emerald ash borer. Like many originals, this axe does not have a [...]
Forged Knife by Todd Butler
Alabama artist Todd Butler is known for making truly exquisite custom knives that sport elegant lines and razor-sharp blades. Butler returns to this year’s CLF Fundraising Auction with a stellar offering that’s sure to elicit competitive bidding. Butler’s knife, which measures in at over fifteen inches in length, carries an imposing ten-inch-long blade forged from [...]
Continental Marines Powder Horn by Ron Hess
Powder horns are naturally a big hit at the CLF Fundraising Auction, but artist Ron Hess has donated a truly unique piece for this year’s event. Thanks to the research efforts of the Honorable Company of Horners, Hess was able to create a faithful reproduction of one of the most priceless treasures from the Revolutionary [...]